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Noelle Williams
Noelle Williams, The Hard-Ass

Noelle Williams, The Hard-Ass

Full Name: Noelle Grace Williams
Gender: Female   Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Police Officer
Affiliation: Metropolitan Police Service
Rank: Internal affairs
DivisionEpaulette No.
Portrayed by:Melanie Nicholls-King
 ● First Appearance: Fresh Paint

Back Story

A tough and capable police officer, Noelle is not only great at her job, but is also an invaluable mentor for the rookies in her division. In a single morning she can teach you one of the most valuable life lessons: get over yourself. But being a cop and having a personal life outside of the job is easier said then done. For a single woman who's about to embark on one of the biggest decisions of her life, the possibility of being responsible for more than just herself is scarier to her than any criminal that she’s ever come across. She chooses to use fertility treatments to get pregnant and blames her biological clock. She gives birth to a little girl nearing the end of season 3, on the same day that Officer Jerry Barber passed away. We learn in the beginning of season 4 that she named the little girl Olivia. During Season 4, she enters a romantic relationship with Frank Best and he proposes to her and they become engaged. They get married late in season 4.

What she's got to teach
  • A tough-as-nails, “take no prisoners” attitude.
  • She is not your mother.
  • A woman can get ahead in this job as easily as any man – with a price.
What she's got to learn
  • The sacrifices you make for this job? You live with them forever.